Wednesday, June 30, 2010

泰国冬阴功 Thai Tom Yam Gong

This is another personal favorite recipe of mine. The sour and spicy Thai Tom Yam Gong。。。
I especially love to serve it together with rice noodles. The taste is simple fabulous.

500 gr shrimps and squids 虾和鱿鱼
1,5 l water 清水
Cilantro/coriander -- get the roots, set aside 香菜(芫荽)
onion 洋葱
2 lemongrass -- cut in 3cms 柠檬香茅
4-5 cm galangal root -- thinly sliced 南姜
Bird's eye chilies -- sliced 指天椒
4 kaffir lime leaves 泰国柠檬叶
2 tbsp vegetable oil 植物油
Lime or lemon juice 酸柑
Fish sauce 鱼露
Salt, sugar to season 盐和糖


1. Peel the shrimps and keep only the tails. Keep aside the shrimp shells. De-vein and rinse under cold running water. Set aside

2. Heat the vegetable oil in a small pan, cook shrimp shells and coriander roots until the shells changing its color to red. Add the water and cook again for 5 minutes. Sieve the shrimp broth into another pan. Add kaffir lime leaves, sliced lemon grass, sliced galangal root, sliced bird's eye chilies. Cook and simmer for 10 minutes then take out the spice ingredients. Put the shrimps into the broth, season well with fish sauce, salt and sugar and cook until the shrimps are set

3. In each serving bowl, give fish sauce, lime or lemon juice and sliced bird's eye chilies (if desired) then ladle the soup. Serve warm and garnish with sliced cilantro/coriander leaves

Recipe and pictures adopted from Mindy's Daily.

眼光光,等天光 - 3ds Max

It's 3am now, and I am still awake. But I am not having insomnia right now. I am in the office, alone, waiting for the CCGT startup. I was told to be back in the plant at 12am, but somehow the plan has changed, the startup has been postponed to 3am because the boiler is not ready yet. So here I am, ended up doing nothing, simply just waiting for the startup. Yup, that's my job, wasting most of my precious time to standby for the plant. I really hate the "standby" thing.

I planned to take a short nap, but it wasn't successful, just as I've expected. Ohhh... I miss my bed and pillow. So instead of struggling to force myself to sleep, I decided to browse through the Internet for some information regarding the 3ds Max tutorials. My house is already halfway through the completion, expected to be completed by end of yr 2010 or early 2011. I have installed 3ds Max on my computer but I have totally no idea how to get started.

After googled for some time, and hah...... I found a few websites that are exceptionally useful.

3D Studio Max Lesson

Learn 3ds Max - Step by Step Architectural Modeling - by Kresimir Pernek, Croatia

Monday, June 28, 2010

Flavoured salt with pepper 胡椒盐












普通盐包括粗盐和日晒精细盐。粗盐即海、湖盐区生产的原盐。日晒精细盐指中国南方海盐区根据气温高、降水频的特点,采用新卤、薄晒、短期结晶、定期活动卤水与盐碴的工艺,晒出颗粒均匀的细盐。精盐,也就是精制盐,是以地下天然卤水、岩盐水溶开采得到的卤水和溶解粗盐制成的卤水为原料,用化学方法除去其中的可溶性杂质,澄清后,再经蒸发 、结晶 、脱水 、干燥 、筛分而成。井矿盐区都以岩盐水溶开采得到的卤水或地下天然卤水为原料,生产精制盐。在经过筛选的精制盐中,添加适量的抗结剂,搅拌均匀,就成了精盐。精盐不含有杂质。   在普通话里“幼”表示“幼小”、 “年幼力小”的意思。谈到“精盐“往往会说“幼盐”。所以,精盐本身又有“幼盐”之称。


Sunday, June 27, 2010


H 他爱吃虾子,可惜现在还没有自己的厨房,没办法为他下厨做菜。
在网上搜索了一些虾的食谱,其实是我个人的偏喜好,也不知道 Mr. Ho 他会喜欢吗?

食谱1: 姜爆麻油虾


1. 蝦子洗乾淨,剪掉長鬚、尖嘴備用。老薑切片。蔥切蔥花。

2. 煮一鍋水,滾了之後煮麵線。同時另起油鍋,加入麻油燒入,爆香薑片成金黃色,再加入蝦子快炒。倒入米酒和些許言後,蓋上鍋蓋燜煮一下到蝦殼變紅後熄火,就把蝦子先撈起來備用。麻油湯汁留在鍋中備用。

3. 把煮好的麵線撈起來,放入麻油湯汁中,加入油蔥酥、鹽拌勻,就可以裝盤當襯底,蝦子再擺上面,灑上蔥花。

食谱2: 蛋絲奶油蝦








Hair Pins

Just found out that bobby pins and hair pins are actually two different things.

I am looking for the 3 inch hair pins and I just couldn't find it anywhere.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Large Pores

The extremely large pores on my face are really annoying.

I think I shall get back on the ACV experiment, really hope that it would help, be it just a little shrinking will do. But this time I'm gonna dilute it enough so that it won't irritate my skin like last time.

Discovered a few products that might help to temporary reduce the pores appearance, pretty much a quick fix.

I'm so eager to get a professional treatment by Dr. Georgia Lee, but the cost is never going to be cheap. If I ever managed to get a good paid job in SG, scheduling an appointment with the Dr. will be the first thing that I will do. Well, may GOD bless me. I want so much to end this skin problem nightmare that has haunted me for nearly 16 years.

Dermacia Breathable Foundation

Clinique Pore Minimizer Instant Perfector

Dr. Young 毛孔隱形修飾霜 Pore Eraser Balm


提供即時控油、遮蓋毛孔及平滑肌膚三大功效,用後能肌膚柔滑細緻,粉嫩無瑕,不泛油光,全日水嫩柔軟。隨後使用BB Cream可加強修飾遮瑕功效,達致貼面透薄妝容,補妝前亦可使用毛孔隱形修飾霜,確保毛孔及油光全天候隱形。

♥ 矽膠彈性啫喱 – 能掩蓋粗大毛孔、填補粗糙皮膚表平滑肌膚
♥ 瑞士阿爾卑斯山草本植物精華及金鏤梅萃取液 – 能控油及收細毛孔
♥ 深海膠原蛋白 – 能補充膠原蛋白,緊實肌膚、增加肌膚彈性
♥ 維他命原B5 – 能強效保濕,並刺激纖維母細胞之增生

作為早上護膚程序的最後一步,取適量於指尖,以打圈形式局部塗抹於粗大毛孔或油光位置,如T字位。隨後可按需要全面塗抹適合的BB Cream,或隨時於補妝前使用。

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Err... not too bad anyway

I was so tempted to do my own hair, but the results just happened to be….. MESSY.

And I'm sure I need a haircut, to reduce the volume definitely. It is simply not handy to handle such a bulk volume of hair.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Charming and Romantic hairstyle

Picture taken from

Simple and Gorgeous Hairstyle

Tie up the hair into a ponytail

Dig a hole underneath the hair tie and squeeze the pony tail (or braid) into the hole until it is all in neatly.

Finally, guard the hair with a beautiful hairclip

Pictures taken from

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

On My Way to Sweet Dreams

Since sound and quality sleeping is such an imperative need of mine, I must buy a good & long-lasting matress for myself. As I am yet having much time to explore and search for a good one, I found a great website which could probably guide me through that...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Our New House

Introducing our very first house ......

I don't call it home, because I actually doubt that it would eventually become my very own "home".

But, no matter it is my house or my home, I don't want any dog and any smoke (cigarette) inside this building.

Sorry to say, I am never a pet lover (except fish) and I definitely hate smokers.

Hence, to all the prospective residents and visitors of this house, please kindly cooperate and do not ever try to challenge my bottom line.

Booking Date: 12.11.2009
Signing of SPA and 10% payment: 11.12.2009
Design: Double Storey Terrace (intermediate lot)
Land Area: 1,400.00 sq. ft. ( 20' x 70' )
Built Up Area: 1,947 sq. ft.
Purchase Price: RM 288,800.00
Loan Amount: RM 265,712.00 (Housing Loan: 259,920.00, MRTA: 5,792.00, Interest Rate: BLR - 2.2%, Tenure: 25 yrs)
SPA: Free
Loan Agreement: RM 4,488.35

Construction progress as per June 2010

Loan Agreement Disbursement & Charges
** Note the 70% of scale applicable to the Facility Agreement, the officer said that 30% discount is applied to properties under construction.

Monday, June 14, 2010


这次考试时留宿的 Budget Hotel 被我永久列入黑名单了,叫 D'Garden, 在 Maluri, Cheras 。虽然房间有点小,其实酒店设施是不差的,也很整洁,本来对它的评价还算不错。可是,一到夜晚睡觉时间,我就对它完全改观了。午夜还陆陆续续有人 Check In,这酒店房间是完全没有隔音效果的。住在隔壁(还是后面)的中东游客一整个晚上又是开门,又是关门,还彻夜长谈,我的天啊,你们到底有没有公德心啊?太自私了吧?D'Garden ,也许你们应该把隔音改善一些吧?

那天在网上看到一些有助缩小毛孔的偏方,用Apple Cider Vinegar 来敷脸,看起来很简单,就兴致勃勃的试了一试。Apple Cider Vinegar 是很强的 Acid, 敷脸时要用很多的清水来淡化。我第一次使用,也没检测它的浓度,掺了1:1 的清水就直接往脸上敷。才敷了不到一分钟,就开始觉得皮肤有点刺痛,我还硬着头皮敷上两分钟有多。效果真是惨不忍睹啊,脸上第二天就开始脱皮泛红,还肿了几个大脓包,丑死了。唉,要康复还得等上好一段日子哪。

I think the dilution proportion of 1:10 (ACV:Water) should be more appropriate.